Obesity - Guaranteed weight loss

Obesity - Guaranteed weight loss

You’re reading this because you want to find a healthy way to lose weight and very possibly, you’ve been on a diet that failed. We’ll let you into a little secret: The diet industry wants you to fail! Dieting, calorie counting and indeed the whole dietary paradigm of the 70’s 80’s and 90’s does not work in the long term. The obesity epidemic we’re now witnessing is ironically caused by the dietary model of the 20th Century. Weight may be lost initially but always returns more profusely within a while. Diets dwe are experts in getting people to lose weight healthily and we say healthily, we mean getting people healthy first before they lose the weight as health has to come before weight loss.on’t work. What does work is a specific approach, designed personally for your body, backed up by the science of how your body functions.

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